Personal Information

  • Bart Moelans

    Lector gespecialiseerde informatica

    Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg (PHL)
    departement Handelswetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde
    Campus Elfde Linie, gebouw B
    Elfde-Liniestraat 26
    B-3500 Hasselt,België
    E-mail: BMoelans (at)

    View Bart Moelans's profile on LinkedIn
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I graduated in 2003 from the Transnational University Limburg (a cooperation between Hasselt University and Maastricht University) as a master in computer science with specialization in operation research. In October 2003 I started working at Hasselt University. From October 2003 till September 2004 I joined the Database and theoretical computer sciences research group and contributed in arranging the new master databases in computer science. Then till September 2005 I joined the Expertise centre for Digital Media and contributed in arranging the new master HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) in computer science. In September 2005 I joined the Database and theoretical computer sciences research group of Hasselt University as assistant.
As from January 2011 I started working at the PHL as lecturer in applied informatics.

Teaching and Internship Supervision


Other Professional Activities @ PHL


Personal Interests

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